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"When we cast our bread upon the waters,
We can presume that someone downstream
whose face we will never know, will benefit from our actions...."
                                   MAYA ANGELOU, On Charity

Community Renaissance began in 2003. Using
 the tools of deliberative dialogue, social capital
analysis, collective visioning and Conversations Cafe, Community Renaissance
has worked with Arizona and national non profits, local government and academic
institutions to build community capacity,
address and improve complex community public issues.

Through applied research under its program, The Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement (PECE, pronouned "peace"), Community Renaissance reframed its work scope from public dialogue and expanded its services to include publishing books and convening events which celebrate compassion, happiness and well-being by establishing Tucson's International Day of Happiness 2014-2018. As of June 2018, our pro bono fundraising assistance is being offered to the Pima County Master Naturalist program.

Recently integrated with Community Renaissance is https://AnitaWritesforyou.blogspot.com .
​This blog features fiction, poetry and non-fiction posts by Anita C. Fonte.  Starting in November, 2015, non-fiction posts have been shared based on Anita's community development knowledge and continuing practices.  This includes a revision 2017 of the Walkabout Talkabout Your Neighborhoods that is available for a free download at www.betterforusb2b.blogspot.com

Most recent (2016-June, 2018) Community Renaissance associates include Tasha Lynch and Tina Marie Summer.​​ 

Building upon the interest of "BrightSpots"--a series of earlier blogposts, a  2013 project, Talk UP^..., was  offered through PECE.  This program, in collaboration with Pima County Public Library, offered six-week of community conversations on the topics of happiness.  A Talk UP^ Tucson... book ($12.00), published by Community Renaissance, is out of print by available as a download upon request.  You can find ongoing information about related efforts at http://www.facebook.com/communityrenaissance

Another book of short stories by five writers, Writing at the Paradise Cafe, was also published by Community Renaissance in 2013.  More information about the continuing meetings with Paradise Writers Group can be found at www.anitacfontewriter.webstarts.com .

In the fall of 2017, we revised the 1998 Walkabout Talkabout Your Neighborhoods booklet, first published by The Maverick Institute and funded by the Arizona Humanities Council.  A free copy of this booklet is available upon request to ​​anitafonte@gmail.com